Flexibilní formy výuky - semináře zahraničních expertů na ZČU

Nenechte si ujít diskusi věnovanou strategii ZČU v oblasti on-line vzdělávání se špičkovými zahraničními experty.






Univerzitní 22, Plzeň, místnost UV 115   Zobrazit mapu
Celoživotní a distanční vzdělávání pořádá dvoudenní seminář z oblasti strategie vysokých škol a vysokoškolské pedagogiky. O současnosti a budoucnosti  vzdělávání na ZČU se zaměřením na flexibilní metody výuky přijedou diskutovat zahraniční experti European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (eadtu.eu).  Můžete se těšit na emeritního profesora University of Edinburgh Jeffa Haywooda, profesora Frederika Truyena z KU Leuven a Darco Jansena, projektového manažera EADTU.  Pod vedením expertů proběhnou celkem 3 semináře, jednacím jazykem bude angličtina. Na jednotlivé semináře je potřeba se předem přihlásit.
Agenda 24 January 2018 13:00-16:00 Seminar with focus on organisational processes and expertise available at UWB (teaching and learning; technology/learning environment) Target audience: vice-rector education, some deans and program directors, experienced teaching staff, and educational support services (teaching and learning, ICT, library) 10  min: introduction, including a short note on what is blended teaching and learning and what is learning design 2 x 15 min: Edinburgh and Leuven present strategies and the organisation of digital teaching and learning: implementation processes, the learning environment, the role of program directors, teaching staff and support services. Concrete steps for innovation.   Discussion on: – To which main UWB problems does digital education offer a solution? What are other opportunities for UWB offering blended and online education? – Main building blocks towards an overall UWB strategy – Which are strengths to improve education at UWB? – How to get critical mass of number of academics that understand blended education and innovation – Concrete steps for an organisational strategy – Input and feedback to the university management,  an eventual working group and roadmap for improvement – Barriers that prevent upscaling bottom up initiatives (like lack of strategy, lack of support structure, connection to external experts/HEIs) – Possible success factors for continuous innovation and the gradual, but accelerated implementation of blended and online education
Agenda 25th January 2018 09:00-11:30 Seminar with focus on the development of blended and online learning at UWB   Target audience: vice-rector education, deans and program directors and educational support support services, teaching staff 20 min.: introduction, definition of online and blended learning and design. 30 min.: Examples of the development of a blended curriculum/ blended programs and/or courses in Edinburgh and KU Leuven UWB examples of good practice by teaching staff and a dean: course level and/or curriculum level.   Discussion: – How do academics see innovation and new modes of teaching and learning? – Which course, curriculum problems do they want to solve with blended and online teaching and learning? – What are their main challenges for course development? – What solutions do they see for UWB?
12:30-14:00 Seminar with focus on an innovation strategy for blended and online education for UWB   Target audience: mix of leaders and academics, but we will also need experts/leaders from support and infrastructure structures like ICT, pedagogic support and library. 30 min: conclusions so far by the experts and by the vice-rector education/a dean   Discussion: – What is expected at the course level (teaching staff, course team) and what is needed to empower staff? – What is expected at the program/faculty level? How to empower faculties, program directors? Which programs envisage innovation in this respect? – What is expected at the institutional level? What is the educational horizon of the institution? How to develop a continuously innovative university with a high profile on educational quality and outreach? What kind of educational organization do you need for this? – Plan (steps) for the next year to harnass innovation towards a main institutional strategy  and to develop a long term strategic plan? – A working group with feedback loop to the management and the teaching staff? – What is next and what is long term?
Kontakt: PhDr. Lucie Rohlíková, Ph.D. Celoživotní a distanční vzdělávání Západočeská univerzita v Plzni    

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