Christine Preston

Christine Preston

De Monfort University, United Kingdom

Professor Christina Preston has been at the forefront of education and technology for over 25 years. The MirandaNet Fellowship that she founded in 1992 has become a global thought leader in Edtech with over 1,400 members in 80 countries and an outreach of more than 80,000 website visitors a year who read up to 10 screens. At the core of the members’’ philosophy is the sharing of knowledge and change management based on grassroots evidence. The members work with EdTech companies to research into the impact of technology and learning in classrooms and report on their findings for the global community. Christina has won 5 international awards for her contribution to education innovation and community of practice development. She is also past chair of the Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association and the editor of the Naace Advancing Education journal. Christina has won beside other international awards

  • European Union of Women Humanitarian Achievement Award for creating an Anglo- Czech online alliance working on democratic participation (1998 – London)
  • Trnkova Medal from the Czech Technical University Prague for support in building democratic strategies for ICT teacher education (2002 – Prague)


ID Název akce Délka kurzu Datum začátku
Trendy v digitálním vzdělávání na vysokých školách IV: Zkušenosti z anglosaských zemí 4 Hours 09/08/2021