Webináře pro učitele 19.–25. 2. 2018

Webináře pro učitele 19.–25. 2. 2018

  • RVP: Konverzace v aj? Jak motivovat nemotivované

Druhý díl “konverzací v angličtině” bude opět využívat získaných zkušeností učitele z předchozích webinářů – práce s pohádkou či veselých hrátek s výslovností. Setkání s Mgr. Sylvií Dolákovou vás zcela jistě namotivuje.

Ačkoli se v poslední době ve školách klade velký důraz na správné čtení a psaní v anglickém jazyce (čtenářská gramotnost, kreativní psaní), přece jen si musíme uvědomit, že hlavním cílem výuky angličtiny je příprava zdatného uživatele jazyka, tedy člověka schopného se domluvit v cizím prostředí za pomoci angličtiny. Přesto se zdá, že komunikační kompetence se v hodinách angličtiny rodí jen obtížně. Proč je tomu tak? Jak na tento problém? Co jej způsobuje a jak se s nedostatkem komunikace vypořádat? Jsou hodiny konverzace tím nejlepším řešením? Jak žáky zaujmout? A jak už je dobrým zvykem, účastníci budou mít možnost se podívat na praktické „aktivity, které fungují“.

Setkání je určeno učitelům angličtiny v mateřských a základních školách.


čtvrtek 22. 2. 2018, 20:00odkaz na připojení (je třeba se na portálu zdarma zaregistrovat)
lektor: Mgr. Sylvie Doláková
Záznamy z již proběhlých webinářů naleznete zde na webu Rámcového vzdělávacího programu.


  • edWeb: Visual Strategies for Individuals with Autism that Promote Success at School, at Home and in the Community

The majority of students with autism are visual learners. Consequently, they benefit from the consistent use of customized visual supports in three key areas: Visual Instruction (adapting instruction so it is presented visually); Visual Expression (using visuals to facilitate expressive communication); and Visual Organization (using visuals to organize activities and daily schedules).

Whether it is at school, at home or in the community, consistent use of visual supports helps promote success with academics, communication, social encounters, and participation in activities of daily living. Please join Rebecca Remner and Lauren Williams for this edWebinar to gain tips and strategies for:

  • Effectively using visual supports on a daily basis in the classroom
  • Real-life applications of visual supports for use at home and in the community
  • Effective approaches for organizing activities and transitions to provide students with the greatest opportunities for success

Special education teachers, speech language pathologists, paraprofessionals, occupational therapists, behavior specialists, intervention specialists, and social workers will benefit from attending this edWebinar. Time will be provided for questions and answers after the presentation. Join us to learn about using visual strategies to support individuals with autism.


Thursday 22. 2. 2018, 3:00–4:00 pm EST (09:00–10:00 pm CET) – register here

Rebecca Remner,  the director of speech language pathology at Monarch Center for Autism.
Lauren Williams, an assistive technology specialist and licensed speech language pathologist at Monarch Center for Autism.



  • edWeb: Bring Computer Science to Life in Your Elementary Classroom

It is critical today, more than ever, to teach computer science and coding at the elementary level. Computational thinking and computer science are becoming as foundational as literacy and math for student success. Introducing these foundational concepts in elementary school prepares your students for success not just in middle school and high school, but also opens young minds to a variety of career choices from an early age. What many educators do not know is how easily computer science can tie into their current curriculum and what they are already doing in the classroom.

In this edWebinar, learn from Joan M. Mazur, Ph.D, a professor at the University of Kentucky College of Education, and Jennifer Rodabaugh, a STEAM educator, who will share how they are currently inspiring and engaging elementary students in computer science and coding. The presenters will share specific examples and learning outcomes that have resulted in the district by teaching computer science in a playful learning environment. You will learn how to utilize hands-on tools which provide the underlying foundation of constructionism while also providing a rich learning experience for all students.

Attendees will walk away from this live, interactive event with lessons that can be implemented immediately in the elementary classroom. There will be time to ask Dr. Mazur and Jennifer Rodabaugh your questions after their presentation. All educators interested in incorporating computational thinking and computer science into their classrooms are invited to attend, especially those working in grades K-5.


Wednesday 21. 2. 2018, 3:00–4:00 pm EST (9:00–10:00 pm CET) – register here


Joan M. Mazur, Ph.D. is Professor of Instructional Systems Design in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Education.

Jennifer Rodabaugh has been teaching for nearly 17 years. She has taught in five different states and every grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade. Five years ago, she moved from teaching first grade to opening up a STEAM lab (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) on her elementary campus.

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