Záznam přednášky M. Lytrase

Záznam přednášky M. Lytrase

Současné trendy a možnosti publikování v excelentních vědeckých časopisech představil Miltiadis D. Lytras, Ph.D.  z American College of Greece v červnové přednášce s názvem Promoting scientific excellence in higher education. How to disseminate your research in high impact venues. Neměli jste možnost přednášku navštívit nebo byste si ji rádi připomenuli? Nejen pro Vás jsme připravili záznam přednášky. Naleznete jej zde na youtube kanálu Ústavu celoživotního vzdělávání ZČU v Plzni.   Anotace přednášky: Promoting scientific excellence in higher education. How to disseminate your research in high impact venues
In our days there is a critical demand to link the performance of higher education and its impact with measurable results. One of the key concerns for researchers is a personal and an institutional strategic fit towards disseminating academic research in top publication venues.
The purpose of this presentation is to provide a best practices and lessons learnt seminar on improving the quality of research and disseminating it in top publication outlets.
The organization of the lecture is as follows.
Part 1. Discussion of latest development in higher education evaluation and quality assessment
Part 2. Presentation of scientific publications domain. The presenter will share his expertise from the editing of 10 academic journals, the guest editing of 40+ impact factor special issue, the editing and authoring of 40+books in some of the most prestigious academic publishers
Part 3. Making your research more attractive for publication and reviewing. The focus of the seminar will be on the discussion of the key prerequisites for having a good publication in a good journal.  Emphasis will be paid on interdisciplinary approach, scientific method, collaborative competencies and topic significance
Part 4. Hot Topics for research. Presenter will provide his own thoughts about the most promising areas in IS/IT and Innovation research.