She teaches courses in linguistics and multicultural education in face-to-face, blended, and synchronous online formats. Her research interests include: culturally responsive-sustaining education, SLIFE (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education), nontraditional teaching of grammar, and instructional technology, especially flipped learning. Dr. Marshall has published articles in ELT Journal and TESOL Journal, among others. Her most recent book, published with University of Michigan Press, is Meeting the Needs of SLIFE: A Guide for Educators, 2nded., co-authored with Andrea DeCapua and Frank L. Tang. Dr. Marshall has developed a model of online flipped learning, and her most recent article on that topic is “Fostering Teaching Presence through the Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach,” published in TESL-EJ and co-authored with Ilka Kostka.
WWW: https://malpeducation.com/our-experts/helaine-w-marshall/
ID | Název akce | Délka kurzu | Datum začátku |
Trendy v digitálním vzdělávání na vysokých školách IV: Zkušenosti z anglosaských zemí | 4 Hours | 09/08/2021 |