Darco Jansen

Darco Jansen is responsible for development of different long term themes for EADTU on Online Education, MOOCs and OER, Employability and on Open and Social Innovation. Darco’s fields of expertise are e-learning, open innovation, non-/informal learning and workplace learning. He worked for over 20 years at the Open Universiteit of the Netherlands in different management positions. Since 2012 he coordinated and participated in over 10 European projects. During recent years the focus relates to stimulate and demonstrate a strong MOOC uptake in Europe. In this context, Darco is the coordinator of the first pan European MOOC initiative OpenupEd, coordinator of several European projects (HOME, SCORE2020) and he is partner of other MOOC projects (e.g., BizMOOC, MOONLITE and ECO).


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Flexibilní formy výuky – semináře zahraničních expertů na ZČU 24 Hours 15/03/2025