Bohdana Allman
Bohdana Allman is a learning design consultant and a Ph.D. candidate in Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. Originally from the Czech Republic, Bohdana lived in the United States for almost 25 years and recently relocated with her husband and four children to Harrogate, United Kingdom. Bohdana earned her bachelor’s degree in Human Development with a minor in Business Management and a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics with a minor in Statistics from Brigham Young University, Utah. She is currently completing her dissertation research, planning to graduate in Spring 2021. Bohdana’s interests and experiences are related to online and blended teacher professional development and effective online pedagogy practices. Bohdana and her colleagues are currently developing and piloting a series of collaborative online courses for K-12 teachers with a goal to improve access, content learning, and teachers’ classroom practices. She is an integral member of the curriculum development team at BYU School of Education playing a variety of roles in program and course design, development, administration, and evaluation. Her most valuable contribution is the Progressive Instructional Conversation template that merges most current theories of teacher education and online learning and guides the design, development, as well as effective teaching of online and blended courses at the university. Bohdana has taught a number of university courses and seminars, preparing both students and faculty members to apply effective teaching methods in traditional, blended, and online classrooms. Bohdana is a successful collaborator and researcher experienced in both qualitative and quantitative methods, using principles of design-based research and self-study methodology to simultaneously uncover principles of effective learning and teaching and improve practices in complex learning environments.
ID | Název akce | Délka kurzu | Datum začátku |
Trendy v digitálním vzdělávání na vysokých školách III: Ozvěny světové konference v Dublinu | 5 Hours | 15/03/2025 |