Prof. Dr. Frederik Truyen
Prof. Dr. Frederik Truyen, is professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven. He publishes on Digitization, Photography, E-Learning, ICT Education and Epistemology. He is in charge of the mediaLab CS Digital. His research interests are mostly related to Web technology and E-Learning. He was involved in many projects on Open Educational Resources, such as OER-HE, Net-CU, OCW EU and E-SLP, and on digitization of Cultural Heritage, such as IDEM, RICH (Hercules funding), EuropeanaPhotography (coordinator), Europeana Space (pilot leader) and the Europeana DSI2/3 (aggregator for photography). Currently he is involved in the KU Leuven/FWO funded project Coraal – a database for 17th century Art industries – and in the CEF Generic call for Europeana with a project on Migration in the Arts and Sciences. Moreover, he has a large experience in data modelling for Image databases in the cultural- historical field. He is president of Photoconsortium (photoconsortium.net), an international membership organization for photographic archives. Fred Truyen is also member of DARIAH-VL.
ID | Název akce | Délka kurzu | Datum začátku |
Flexibilní formy výuky – semináře zahraničních expertů na ZČU | 24 Hours | 15/03/2025 |